Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Let the Adventures Begin

The adventures of the ATAA Traveling Teapots begin with a photo shoot on a pleasant afternoon in April. Rainy prepared a tea tray and filled the teapot for Team Darjeeling with hot tea, then sat down with a friend to chat and enjoy. 

In the meantime, LaDonna carefully packaged up an identical teapot for Team Oolong and mailed it to Mia in Maine. It has arrived safely and Mia is making many plans for tea!

For a year, both teapots will be traversing back and forth across North America, stopping for tea at the homes of a variety of hosts. Each host is a member of the online group called Afternoon Tea Across America. They will use the traveling teapot as it comes to them as an ambassador of tea, sharing many pots of tea with family, friends, and strangers along the way. Each host will spend one month hosting and will share of their adventures by blogging of cups poured from the teapot during its visit.

Please stop by again to read about the adventures of these beautiful traveling teapots. Let the hospitality begin!

~ LD ~

*If you'd like to join our virtual community, you can find us on Facebook! Key words: Afternoon Tea Across America


  1. Anticipating with Delight! Thanks, LD! Thanks, Rain!

  2. I already own two TARDIS teapots, so I'm going to have to think of something spectacular when my turn comes for hosting!

  3. With such a fun teapot to inspire this should be quite a hop! Eager for each and every pour....

  4. Oh my goodness, A TARDIS!!!! This is so absolutely perfect. Me and Mine are absolutely geeking out over this!

  5. Fun, Fun, Fun. Looking forward to all the excitement!
    Sips and Smiles,
