Sunday, October 11, 2015

Little Blue has Tea in California

 Little Blue had tea with my cousins and I in Columbia, California
at Columbia Kate's Teahouse.  We sat in the garden, as there were
sixteen of us.
 Mango Black Iced tea was set on the table for all.
The apricot scones were delicious.
 A salad was a delight!
 Cucumber, Egg Salad, and Chicken Salad sandwiches
were sprinkled with roses, yummmm!
 Tiramiso macaron for dessert was perfectly made and so good.
 Little Blue thoroughly enjoyed tea time at Columbia Kate's.
The Darjeeling Team teapot will travel back to Oregon soon.


  1. What fun and good weather for your adventure! The little blue Tardis has indeed travelled from Seattle to No California in one week- must have done some time travel to accomplish that!

  2. A beautiful, quaint afternoon tea ---- made better by the presence of family and friends. Perfection!

    1. Can you believe all of us are either first or second cousins, all 16.

  3. What a fun family filled afternoon!
    Sips and Smiles,

  4. What a fun family filled afternoon!
    Sips and Smiles,

  5. What a special time for cousins to enjoy! And what a lovely tea Columbia Kate's presented. Love the idea of chopped rose petals sprinkled over the sandwich plate.

  6. awesome pictures, hope oolong is having as much fun

  7. I like Columbia Kate's and I love the old Columbia area it is located in. My doctor is in Columbia, right there on the main drag across from the post office! You were so close!

    1. So close, yet so far. We had a really fun time in Columbia with all 16 of us.

  8. It's been a few too many years since I've been to Columbia Kate's. Thanks for the reminder! Marilyn, safe travels home for you and Blue.

    1. Thanks, Babette! How I had wished Little Blue would see you in Seattle. Columbia Kate's was a special place for 16 cousins to have tea.

  9. What a lucky little teapot that gets to spend time with Marilyn. (second post)
    Rochelle, ATAA

  10. What a perfect menu for an outdoor tea party. Little blue was kept busy pouring tea for 16!
